The subject that I'm enjoyed

Hi, it's me again, today I will write about the subject that I'm enjoyed, that subject is .... Electromagnetism! yeaaah, I don't know why I like it, but I think this is very exciting.
Well, we have three differents types of class, because, we have laboratory of electromagnetism, seminar and the teach. 
The teacher teaches us and them we go to laboratory and we have to make reports about that. The next class we have seminar to know how to do mathematical calculations. 
The first lesson was about point charges, the difference between electric field and electric potential, also what is electric power, Coulomb law. the second lesson was about magnetic interactions, magnetic force, magnetic field. we learned magnets and what are the magnetic poles of the earth. the last lesson is about waves, like interference and refraction, we have a laboratory in which we have to find out what chemical was in the vial. 
I'm not sure about why I like it, maybe it's because the laboratory is so fanny, and I can to learn things in a didactic ways. 

Thank you for reading <3


  1. this sounds too complicated and I don't even know what to say!

  2. truth , the laboratory practice is really fun and interesting


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