Today I talk about my (future) profession; well I think being a chemist is so special, because, we can do many things. We can work in a laboratory or industry.
The last semester, with my classmates, went to the two places in which a chemist could work, the first was the ISP (Instituto de Salud Publica de Chile), is a laboratory that works for the Ministerio de Salud. They do many things, like know the chemicals components of objects such as toys that enter the country, or help the public health of the country, for example, a group was analyzing blood that was collected from all parts of the country and thus be able to see the diseases present in people.

We also went to a company, where they make different types of gases, that is, they mixing gases to form a gaseous compound. Some of these compounds are oxygen for clinics and hospitals, or nitrous oxide, which is used as anesthesia.


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