My biography

My name is Javiera, I was born in Santiago, Chile in March 3th of 1998, I grew up in the borough of Maipú. I live with my parent and I don´t have brothers or sisters.  I started school at the age of 4 years in the Boston College La Farfana until I have 13 years old. Then I finished the school in the Liceo San Pedro Poveda. Then with my friend I travel to Mendoza, Argentina for a week.

When I was a child, I started to dance, and I love do this, the last year with my group of dance, we travel to Ovalle, near of La Serena.

The 2016 was my gap year, and was fantastic. I dedicate to study for the PSU, and dance. Now I study in the Universidad de Chile, and I’m still.


  1. How wonderful that you could have a gap year! Even though you were studying...

  2. OMG I really like the dance i wish i could dance too

  3. I love the dance too. I hope you are happy pursuit your dreams <3

  4. I love dancing too! I have a dance group of Kpop<3

  5. Hi ! me too travel Argentina but when i have six years old :c


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